Monday, May 5, 2014

And so it begins...

This morning got off to an exciting start with Craig being threatened by the elderly security lady, because apparently you can't take photos anywhere in the lobby.  How anyone would know this is beyond me, but leave it to the crazy Oregonians to stir the pot.  Hence the look on my face in the photo below.  You can all see what a security risk this pretty glass sign represents. She must have some pull because I didn't start my chemo until 5:30pm.  Huge bummer!

                            Taking the forbidden photo!

IV fluids are now hanging with mesna to prevent cytotoxan induced hemorrhagic cystitis, zofran/emend/dexamethasone for nausea and a triple dose of lasix to get all this fluid out.  It's a good thing the bathroom is close...because momma bear said "no!" "no!" "no!" to the foley and Craig politely suggested they put one in the security guard so she could more carefully watch the lobby for any rogue photographers.  If you can't laugh you'll cry.

As I write this, the cytotoxin is going and I'm experiencing a little of "wasabi nose", a common side effect that gives you a burning sensation in your nose.  Very tolerable so far.  Craig just finished some take out Mexican in celebration of Cinco de Mayo, so hopefully he'll be leaving soon!  If all goes according to plan I will go home tomorrow and start neupogen injections on Saturday.

Today I'm thankful for Northwestern Hospital.  It's not perfect, but most everyone has been kind, helpful and compassionate.  I'm thankful for a beautiful hospital room with a view of the city that's allowing me to soak up some vitamin D while inside.  I'm thankful that I'm alert enough to refuse a foley and for whichever police officers would have been called if my chemo hadn't been started before 6pm!



  1. Jennifer and SeanMay 6, 2014 at 4:51 AM

    Sean said he is ready to come out and establish a security protection detail! you!

  2. Much more exciting than Newberg. Those old security ladies sound effective! Glad you are keeping your sense of humor. Thinking about you all!
    PNMC Admin team


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