Thursday, June 5, 2014

Day +2 and +3

Not a lot of news to report here...still neutropenic, still bald and still at Prentice Women's Hospital!  Today's photo of my room is my seems to be a good, safe place to hide out from my white blood cells. They all went somewhere as my white cell count is 0.1.  Maybe if we play hide and seek they will come back faster.  I'm willing to try anything at this point.  My platelets are hanging in there so far...tough little platelets.

 Craig's mom, Judy, took the train down from Grand Rapids to pay us a visit.  It's always good to see her and I know they enjoyed hanging out in the city!  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree as Judy will keep pace with Craig!  If need be, you're never to old to need a piggy back ride from your mom.  

I think they are going to go check out the top of the Hancock for Tilt and then hit the Navy Pier's stained glass art museum.

I had more energy yesterday so I decided to try out the exercise bike in the lounge.  I used to be quite the spinner before MS.  I quickly realized the error of my ways since I'm not trying to make weight for a wrestling match. The plastic gown, glove, mask combo made it feel like a hot yoga/spin class I'm back to walking.  My first clue should have been that we've never seen anyone else trying it. The nurses told me I get the "best walker award".  I strive for greatness!  Let's hope I get the fastest engraftment award as well!

Today, I'm thankful for a mother-in-law (and father-in-law too) who raised a son that loves his wife in all her neutropenic baldness, drug induced babblings, and all other forms of chemo unloveliness.   Both of our parents are still together after all these years.  A true testament of marriage vows in action...for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.  (I think my transplant qualifies as both of those!) I hope we are serving as a good role model for Emma and Luke since we both have had such great examples to follow.


The quilt Judy made for me


  1. You are hilarious! Love the pictures. Praying for your recovery.

  2. Glad your doing well, love your sense of humor, still praying for you daily !!!


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